Can You Stick With Your New Years Resolutions? Are you Wanting to Get Fit Again?

Have you been able to stick with your new years resolutions in the past? New-Year-ResolutionsAre one of your new years resolutions one of the most popular? 

I’m constantly wanting to get fit or stay fit. I’m always looking for new ways to get organized.

I also have to admit that technology as helped me with both of these as well.

OnDemand streaming has helped me stay on track with my workouts so I can workout anywhere I have an internet connection from any device that have internet available. This helps me stay accountable even when on vacation! I have hundreds of workouts to choose from and can get a workout in in as little as 30 minutes. I can also preview new workouts to see if I’m interested in purchasing the full programs.

Staying accountable with regular checks from the weekly OnDemand updates and from my coach has helped me as well. If I planned on working out and miss a workout I get the weekly updated letting me know how many workouts I did and it helps remind me to hit my goal for the current week.

My organizing I needed over the last year has improved when I got a smartphone and started using the calendar features and set reminders. Not only that but also using apps for checklist. I have to admit I love checklist and feel great when I get to mark something off a list.

This year my resolution is to drink Shakeology every day. Yes as a coach it’s something I should be doing anyway but I am human and get off track just like everyone else. I also usually remember to take my Shakeology when I’m starting to come down with a cold or have an outbreak on my face!

Do you tend to have the same new years resolutions each year? What are you resolutions this year?

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